You Matter Chocolate Walk

By Do Good Mission (other events)

Saturday, June 10 2023 12:00 PM 4:00 PM EDT

Recently Do Good Mission has been affected by the suicide epidemic plaguing our youth. It has left us with a sense of helplessness and fear for our next generation of children.

The You Matter Chocolate Walk is our way to make a difference in mental health and suicide prevention in our youth. Being a parent in this day and age is HARD! Having conversations about suicide and mental health is HARD. This walk allows parents and caregivers the opportunity to start having those conversations. Spend the day walking around hunting for various chocolates and talking about how they are doing, take this time to really listen to them, and let them know they are not alone. 

How does the walk work? Purchase a ticket for $15 then walk Old Historic Milford visiting each shop or restaurant listed on Golden Ticket to collect pieces of yummy chocolate. Some shops and restaurants will be offering specials that day as well! The walk can be a healing journey for you or a way to connect with your kids. You can form teams and dedicate this walk to someone you have lost. You can stop along the various Do Good Mission's tables to find resources on suicide prevention, grab a suicide awareness ribbon, take a minute to sit and talk with us!  

You may be asking yourself why chocolates..... Chocolates represent love and comfort, and release good hormones when consumed.  Chocolate is also best when shared with your loved ones and one reason suicide is on the rise is from our youth feeling socially isolated. So we encourage participants while on their chocolate walk to share a piece with a stranger. It's a simple, yet powerful way to let someone know they are not alone. 

You Matter Scholarship Foundation is the second piece to our walk. Proceeds from the ticket sales will go into a You Matter Scholarship Foundation where a $1,000 scholarship will be awarded to a Miliford Senior for the next 5 years. 

We started this foundation in hopes to:

  • Keep spreading awareness on mental health and suicide prevention.
  • Help a Milford Student who also shares our passion for making a difference in the lives of others and their community. 

* For full criteria on scholarship click here*

 Check back often to see updated lists on stores participating and any special deals.